Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc. (SMOC), is a private non-profit, 501(c)3 Community Action Agency. SMOC was incorporated in July, 1965 to assist and serve the needs of low-income persons in Southwestern Minnesota, specifically in the counties of Nobles, Rock, Murray and Pipestone. Although these counties receive most of our attention, SMOC does provide specific program offerings in as few as one, and in as many as fourteen counties.
The mission of SMOC is “Strengthening our communities through opportunities and service.” To accomplish this mission, SMOC currently employs approximately 120 full and part-time staff, that deliver an array of programs over our service area. Each of these programs has stated goals and outcomes by which we measure our success. The setting of program goals and measurable outcomes is a requirement of most of our funding sources. The operations and policies guiding SMOC’s actions are governed by a fifteen member Board of Directors. It is a tri-partite board comprised of one-third elected officials, one-third private sector representatives, and one-third low-income or community representatives.
In addition to making a positive difference in the lives of disadvantaged citizens of Southwestern MN, SMOC also contributes to the economic development of the region. Annually, SMOC makes payments of nearly $6 million to contractors, vendors, partners and agency employees. This money circulates throughout the area, thereby benefiting the entire economy of the region.
SMOC, a 501(c)3 Community Action Agency, serves low-income individuals in Southwestern Minnesota, primarily in Nobles, Rock, Murray, and Pipestone counties. With a mission to strengthen communities through opportunities and service, SMOC offers a variety of assistance programs, managed by a dedicated team and a tri-partite Board of Directors.
Southwestern MN Opportunity Council
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