We believe in the value of all human beings.
Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc. (SMOC), is a private non-profit, 501(c)3 Community Action Agency. SMOC was incorporated in July, 1965 to assist and serve the needs of low-income persons in Southwestern Minnesota, specifically in the counties of Nobles, Rock, Murray and Pipestone. Although these counties receive most of our attention, SMOC does provide specific program offerings in as few as one, and in as many as 15 counties.
SMOC’s mission is “Strengthening our communities through opportunities and service.” To accomplish this mission, SMOC currently employs about 100 compassionate and dedicated staff that deliver quality services to children and families in need.
SMOC is not a government or political entity. The operations and policies guiding SMOC’s actions are governed by a fifteen member Board of Directors. It is a tri-partite board comprised of one-third elected officials, one-third private sector representatives, and one-third community representatives.